

The System The Process


Work Site Preparation

We will relocate your plants from the work area. We then create access holes by hand. The holes are about the size of a common door mat.

For your safety, heavy plywood covers are placed over each hole as we complete this phase of the job. Unless your job requires interior pilings no access to the inside of the home is required at this time.


Driving the Pilings

The next step is the “driving” of the pilings. It will be necessary to have access to several electrical outlets (4 or 5) during this operation. They need to be on separate circuits, so access to the inside of the house will be needed at this time.

The piles are pressed into the ground at each pre-determined location and subsequent piling segments (with the cable through the center of each) are driven to the required depth and resistance. A pile head is then positioned on top of the last pile segment with the cable put into place. Concrete blocks are then placed on top of the piling directly under the bottom of the foundation. We are now ready to level!


Leveling Process

(If you choose to level the sturcture, we will follow this process.)
We will raise the slab stabilizing the home. An experienced Cable Lock technician will direct the stabilization while trained personnel are carefully monitoring the reactions of the structure. He will take level readings throughout the process. Once leveled we move to the final stage.


Final Stage

Upon completion, steel spacers are inserted on concrete blocks to support the building. The top portions of the holes are then refilled with soil and any surface concrete breakthroughs are replaced.

Plants are replanted and the work areas, walks and driveway are cleaned.

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